EFB03N - Note 1 (98,5/100) inkl. Korrektur

EFB03N - Note 1 (98,5/100) inkl. Korrektur Cover - EFB03N - Note 1 (98,5/100) inkl. Korrektur 2.99
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EFB03N - Englisch für den Beruf 3

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EFB03N - Note 1.pdf ~ 260.39 KB
1. Assignment:
Ordinal numbers
At the end of each paragraph you can find cardinal numbers in brackets. Write the matching ordinal numbers in the gaps. Write the short and the long form as shown in the example.

2. Assignment:
Read the following mini dialogues. Which of the sentences (a or b) is correct? Tick the correct answer.

3. Assignment:
Modal verbs
Complete the sentences with a suitable modal verb. You must use a different verb for each sentence.

4. Assignment:
Used to or would? Complete the sentences.

5. Assignment:
Complete the following sentences with the correct prepositions. Be careful: there are some gaps that do not require a preposition.

6. Assignment:
Complete the sentences with the correct question tags.

7. Assignment:
Today is Monday, 1 August, 9 a.m. Look at Precious Radebe’s diary for this week. Her working hours are from nine to five.
Dan from the IT department calls her and asks when she is available this week. He needs to install new software on her computer and afterwards show her how to use it. This will take around two hours.
Precious runs through her diary entries to look for a suitable date and time. When is she available at the earliest?

8. Assignment:
Write a memo
You have heard from some customers that two of your sales staff aren’t always properly dressed. Your firm has a dress code and this is included in the firm’s handbook, which all employees receive on their first day. The dress code tells employees which kind of clothes they can and cannot wear at work.

9. Assignment:
A manager’s memo
Below is a memo from the HR Manager to the Sales Director. There are 11 mistakes in this memo.
These include mistakes in layout, grammar and spelling.
Identify the mistakes and then write the complete corrected memo.
Weitere Information: 02.03.2025 - 12:59:37
  Kategorie: Abitur und Hochschule
Eingestellt am: 12.07.2024 von SebaFred26
Letzte Aktualisierung: 15.07.2024
0 Bewertung
Bisher verkauft: 2 mal
Bisher aufgerufen: 224 mal
Prüfungs-/Lernheft-Code: EFB03N-XS02
Benotung: 1
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