EFB06N - Note 1 (99/100) inkl. Korrektur

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EFB06N - Englisch für den Beruf 6

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1. Assignment:
a) Fill in the gaps:
Choose the correct words from the box below to fill in the gaps in the letter. You don’t need all the words.
b) Sort the letter:
The owner of Jefferson Furniture has written a letter to a web design firm. Unfortunately, all the parts have been mixed up. Put the parts in a suitable order for a business letter.

2. Assignment:
a) Listen to the message that a customer has left (Video D.01 = http://www.dfz.media/7efqwu).
Write down the details of the message.
b) You are the stock manager of Jefferson Furniture Ltd and have received Ms Hall’s message.
Write an email to Ms Hall. Use the stocklist below. Answer her query and add any further information that she might find useful. Include a subject line. Make sure that your message is
clear and well structured.
Use your own name to sign this email.

3. Assignment:
Orders and acknowledgements
a) Listen to the audio file (Video D.02 = http://www.dfz.media/arcvh5). You will hear a message that
Debbie from Rose Conferences in Farway left for her colleague Bill. Carry out her instructions.
Choose suitable dates and sign the order as Bill Simmons from the Purchasing Department.
b) Write a short email message to Bill Simmons to acknowledge his order.

4. Assignment:
An enquiry
You are Kim Zimmermann from Spielwaren Zimmermann in 10787 Berlin. You have a small shop at Hardenbergplatz 8 where you sell toys. You also offer a range of model cars for collectors.
You are a subscriber to TOYS FOR ALL, a quarterly trade magazine for toy retailers. You don’t read every copy of the magazine, but in the most recent edition you saw an advertisement by Knott Limited.
It presented their new collection of model cars.
The classic Mini models caught your eye. The advertisement didn’t give the scale of the models and you only sell models of scale 1:43. These are about 7 to 10 cm long.
The advertisement didn’t give any prices. Now you want to write an enquiry to Knott Limited.
a) Collect the details for your letter and write these down. Organise these points in the best order for the letter and send in this list as your answer to part a) of the exercise.
b) Draft the letter, then edit and correct it. Send in the complete letter as your answer to part b).
Tips: You should include the complete letter ready for signing. Business letters are typed or printed, never hand-written. If you cannot type or print your letter, then write it as clearly and neatly as you can in the correct layout on a sheet of white paper. Write your name and student ID at the top of the page.
Remember to send in both parts of this exercise: the numbered list of points and the complete letter.

5. Assignment:
Your General Manager went on a business trip for a week. Before she left, she asked you to carry out a few tasks and attend the weekly department meeting on her behalf. Now she is back and you report to her about what has happened.
Rewrite the sentences below in the passive voice if possible. If a sentence cannot be changed into the passive, copy it as it is.
Weitere Information: 02.03.2025 - 12:59:50
  Kategorie: Abitur und Hochschule
Eingestellt am: 12.07.2024 von SebaFred26
Letzte Aktualisierung: 15.07.2024
0 Bewertung
Bisher verkauft: 2 mal
Bisher aufgerufen: 246 mal
Prüfungs-/Lernheft-Code: EFB06N-XS1
Benotung: 1
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