EFB07N - Note 1 (98,5/100) inkl. Korrektur

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EFB07N - Englisch für den Beruf 7

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EFB07N - Note 1.pdf ~ 250.27 KB
1. Assignment:
Read the following “Day in the Life of a Real Estate Agent” blog. Then choose the best definitions for the 8 words listed below in the context of the blog.
NOTE: The website uses the American term “real estate agent” which is simply ‘estate agent’ (= Immobilienmakler) in British English.

2. Assignment:
Look at the blog again and answer each of these questions about the real estate agent (REA) in one or two full sentences. Pay attention to proper use of tenses.

3. Assignment:
The estate agent includes some background information in his “Day in the life” blog. Decide whether each of the following sentences states something that the REA actually did on the particular day or did not do. Write Y for yes (DONE) and N for no (NOT DONE).

4. Assignment:
Write 3 sentences in the simple present tense to contrast the REA’s schedule with a typical day in your life. In each sentence, use while to show the contrast. In at least one sentence, use while at the beginning of the sentence. In at least one other sentence, use while in the middle of the sentence.

5. Assignment:
Read the following text about how Post-it® notes were finally developed and marketed. Fill in the gaps with the correct verbs from the box below. There is one extra word that you will not need.

6. Assignment:
Read the following imaginary memo from Arthur Fry’s (anonymous) boss and Mr. Fry’s response to it on a Post-it®
note prototype. In the two texts, find five examples of polite language. List the techniques used and clearly state the examples from the two texts.

7. Assignment:
Complete the first few sentences of a report about a BEC (Business Email Compromise) scam using the correct tense of the verb in brackets, either the past continuous or the past simple.

8. Assignment:
Read the web text that explains how to prevent BEC scams. Choose the correct headings from the box here. There are two extra headings.
Weitere Information: 01.03.2025 - 13:18:41
  Kategorie: Abitur und Hochschule
Eingestellt am: 12.07.2024 von SebaFred26
Letzte Aktualisierung: 31.08.2024
0 Bewertung
Bisher verkauft: 0 mal
Bisher aufgerufen: 246 mal
Prüfungs-/Lernheft-Code: EFB07N-XX01
Benotung: 1
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