EFB10N - Note 1 (97/100) inkl. Korrektur

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EFB10N - Englisch für den Beruf 10

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1. Assignment:
Pictures are a great help for predicting what you will hear. Imagine you’ve just turned on the television and see the map below.
a) What kind of programme would you expect to be broadcast? Answer in a complete sentence.
b) Think about the sort of vocabulary that would be used with this map.
Write 2 sentences that the presenter could say. (about 30 words in total)

2. Assignment:
You expect TV programmes, especially documentaries, to give information and answer some questions.
Example: When a programme is about a historic figure, you expect to learn when the person lived and died.
Imagine you saw the picture below at the beginning of a TV programme.
a) What do you think the topic of the programme will be? Answer in 1 or 2 complete sentences. (about 30 words in total)

3. Assignment:
Below is an extract from an interview with Maki Kuwayama, who works as an architect in Germany.
Listen to the audio file (Video D.01 = xn44fk). and complete the text below by filling in the gaps with the words you hear.

4. Assignment:
You’re in a restaurant with your friend Hannah. She is able to order a meal but otherwise doesn’t speak much English. Now you’re waiting for your meals.
Which word would you stress in the sentence: She asked you for a fillet steak with mashed potatoes” in each of the following situations? Underline the stressed word.
a) The waiter is unsure which table to go to and is asking people who ordered a fillet steak with mashed potatoes.

5. Assignment:
You are going to hear an interview with Kevin O’Connor, who is an educational manager for a large international company in Germany. The interviewer asks about how in-company training has changed in the last few years and what the main issues were at the moment.
Before you listen, read each question carefully. (Video D.02 = vo7jat).
Remember that Kevin may not use the same words as are found in the questions.
1) Kevin’s customers have … for training today.
a) slightly less money
b) the same amount of money
c) a lot less money
Weitere Information: 02.03.2025 - 07:11:55
  Kategorie: Abitur und Hochschule
Eingestellt am: 31.08.2024 von SebaFred26
Letzte Aktualisierung: 01.09.2024
0 Bewertung
Bisher verkauft: 7 mal
Bisher aufgerufen: 214 mal
Prüfungs-/Lernheft-Code: EFB10N-XS1
Benotung: 1
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