Einsendeaufgabe EngO 4 / 0513 K02

Einsendeaufgabe EngO 4 / 0513 K02 Cover - Einsendeaufgabe EngO 4 / 0513 K02 2.00
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Einsendeaufgabe EngO4/0513K02

In dieser Einsendeaufgabe habe ich eine 1,5 bekommen.

Sie dient als Lernhilfe, einfach nur Abschreiben wäre natürlich doof.


I Comprehension
1. Describe in what ways the Australian government has supported moves towards
reconciliation with the Aborigines.
2. Describe what steps the Australian prime minister and government are unwilling
to take in order to promote reconciliation.
3. Explain what evidence justifies Mr Howard’s emphasis on “‘practical’ reconciliation”

II Analysis
4. Illustrate the author’s opinion on the prime minister’s policy concerning reconciliation.
5. Analyse the devices in the text which are characteristic of a newspaper article.

III Comment
Choose one of the following tasks.
6. Write a draft of a treaty promoting reconciliation between the Aborigines and the
white population of Australia.
7. Write a letter to a national newspaper either criticising or praising the way John
Howard has dealt with the situation of the Aborigines.
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I Comprehension
1. Describe in what ways the Australian government has supported moves towards
reconciliation with the Aborigines.
2. Describe what steps the Australian prime minister and government are unwilling
to take in order to promote reconciliation.
3. Explain what evidence justifies Mr Howard’s emphasis on “‘practical’ reconciliation”

II Analysis
4. Illustrate the author’s opinion on the prime minister’s policy concerning reconciliation.
5. Analyse the devices in the text which are characteristic of a newspaper article.

III Comment
Choose one of the following tasks.
6. Write a draft of a treaty promoting reconciliation between the Aborigines and the
white population of Australia.
7. Write a letter to a national newspaper either criticising or praising the way John
Howard has dealt with the situation of the Aborigines.
Weitere Information: 03.03.2025 - 06:48:35
  Kategorie: Abitur und Hochschule
Eingestellt am: 22.11.2016 von selmira
Letzte Aktualisierung: 22.11.2016
0 Bewertung
Bisher verkauft: 11 mal
Bisher aufgerufen: 2020 mal
Prüfungs-/Lernheft-Code: EngO4/0513
Benotung: 2
noch keine Bewertungen vorhanden
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