ENG 10B ILS --> Note 1,3 EINSENDEAUFGABE Cover - ENG 10B ILS --> Note 1,3 EINSENDEAUFGABE 2.00
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Britain An A to Z of Landeskunde

Schriftliche Ausarbeitung der ESA ENG10B der Fernschule ILS.
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Bei Question 3, Comment habe ich die Aufgaben A und C bearbeitet.
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ESA ENGA 10BN Note 1,3.docx ~ 18.77 KB
Question 1: Vocabulary
1. The following 40 words are all taken from the texts from A to Z. Please choose thirty of these words. For each word that you choose, write a sentence of your own to show that you know how to use the word correctly.
Question 2: Vocabulary
1. Below are 30 sentences which use vocabulary presented in the units from A to Z. Choose the correct form of each word given in brackets in order to complete the gaps in the sentences. You need not copy the whole sentence but you may only note down the correct form.
Question 3: Comment
1. Please answer Question A and then either Question B or Question C.
If you have been to Britain before, describe your journey from Germany, what you did while you were in Britain, the places you visited, your general impressions, the things you liked and disliked, and anything else you think might be relevant.
If you have never been to Britain before, describe a journey as you think it might happen. Which places would you visit, and why? What things would you expect to be different from Germany? (If you are short of ideas or do not know how to start, you could look at exercise E2.1 again.)
(Write about 250 words.)
You should know that English country houses provide ideal settings for murder or ghost stories. Write a story which takes place in one of these houses, including as many typical details about life in Britain as you like. Don’t forget to give your story a title!
(Write about 250 words.)
From your reading about different aspects of life in Britain you should have formed an opinion about what you think is better in Britain and what is better in Germany. Write down five things which you find positive about life in Britain and five things you find negative. For each point give reasons for your opinions.
(Write about 250 words.)
Weitere Information: 02.03.2025 - 16:28:45
  Kategorie: Abitur und Hochschule
Eingestellt am: 09.05.2022 von studywithemilia
Letzte Aktualisierung: 09.05.2022
0 Bewertung
Bisher verkauft: 10 mal
Bisher aufgerufen: 1210 mal
Prüfungs-/Lernheft-Code: ENGA10BN XX
Benotung: 1
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