ENG03 S1 / ENG03 M1

ENG03 S1 / ENG03 M1 Cover - ENG03 S1 / ENG03 M1 2.90
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ENG03 - Freeway (Part 2)

Note 1 (100/100)! Schriftlich und Mündlich!
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Folgende Fragen sind für die ESA angegeben:

--> Schriftlicher Teil <--

1. Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the verb.

1. If you order 50 T-shirts for the team, they _________________ £3 each.
2. If I had his phone number, _______________________ him.
3. If Tom and Peter had gone to the party, they______________ ___________________ Jill.
4. If you buy a new car, you ____________________ petrol and insurance costs.
5. Patrick would have passed the exam if he _______________ harder.
6. Newspapers _____________________ by millions of people every day.
7. German ________________________ also in Switzerland and Austria.
8. Two new bikes _____________________________ by Steven last year.
9. These engines _____________________________ in Germany.
10. America ___________________________________ in 1492.

2. Complete the following sentences using an infinitive or a gerund.

1. You must ___________________ at the meeting on time.
2. Our boss makes them ___________________ very hard every day.
3. Mr Schmidt can ________________ three foreign languages.
4. The policeman told me ____________________ before the next exit.
5. I look forward to _______________ you again soon.6.Please remind your sister _______________ the letter.
7. The dog walked across the street without _________________ attention.
8. My best friend asked me ____________________ him/her with painting the house.
9. I live in a new city. I don’t know where ____________________.
10. I love _____________________ in the summer.

3. You would like to help your hometown with saving energy and reducing pollution. Describe what actions you would take to improve the current situation. Remember to write full sentences and to gather as many ideas as possible. Your essay should be about 120 words long.

--> Mündlicher Teil <--

1. Think about an immigrant that you know. It could be a friend of yours or somebody that lives close to you or in your hometown. What kind of difficulties do you think this person had when he/she moved to Germany? And how is this person living now? Remember to include the following information: name, country of origin, age, current job, marital status/children, hobbies and difficulties he/she might have had. You can guess the information you don’t know. Talk about the life of this person for about one minute.Start your description with „His/Her name is... He/She was born in...“

2. What suggestions would you give to a foreign student that is going to study for one year in Germany? What are the most important things that she/he needs to bring? Which are the places you would recommend to see during her/his stay? Why? Please remember to use full sentences and give at least three suggestions, name five important things to bring along and think about three major cities that the person should see. Talk for about one minute.
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--> Schriftlicher Teil <--

1. Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the verb.

1. If you order 50 T-shirts for the team, they _________________ £3 each.
2. If I had his phone number, _______________________ him.
3. If Tom and Peter had gone to the party, they______________ ___________________ Jill.
4. If you buy a new car, you ____________________ petrol and insurance costs.
5. Patrick would have passed the exam if he _______________ harder.
6. Newspapers _____________________ by millions of people every day.
7. German ________________________ also in Switzerland and Austria.
8. Two new bikes _____________________________ by Steven last year.
9. These engines _____________________________ in Germany.
10. America ___________________________________ in 1492.

2. Complete the following sentences using an infinitive or a gerund.

1. You must ___________________ at the meeting on time.
2. Our boss makes them ___________________ very hard every day.
3. Mr Schmidt can ________________ three foreign languages.
4. The policeman told me ____________________ before the next exit.
5. I look forward to _______________ you again soon.6.Please remind your sister _______________ the letter.
7. The dog walked across the street without _________________ attention.
8. My best friend asked me ____________________ him/her with painting the house.
9. I live in a new city. I don’t know where ____________________.
10. I love _____________________ in the summer.

3. You would like to help your hometown with saving energy and reducing pollution. Describe what actions you would take to improve the current situation. Remember to write full sentences and to gather as many ideas as possible. Your essay should be about 120 words long.

--> Mündlicher Teil <--

1. Think about an immigrant that you know. It could be a friend of yours or somebody that lives close to you or in your hometown. What kind of difficulties do you think this person had when he/she moved to Germany? And how is this person living now? Remember to include the following information: name, country of origin, age, current job, marital status/children, hobbies and difficulties he/she might have had. You can guess the information you don’t know. Talk about the life of this person for about one minute.Start your description with „His/Her name is... He/She was born in...“

2. What suggestions would you give to a foreign student that is going to study for one year in Germany? What are the most important things that she/he needs to bring? Which are the places you would recommend to see during her/his stay? Why? Please remember to use full sentences and give at least three suggestions, name five important things to bring along and think about three major cities that the person should see. Talk for about one minute.
Weitere Information: 29.01.2025 - 02:41:42
  Kategorie: Abitur und Hochschule
Eingestellt am: 29.05.2021 von oOKayleigh666Oo
Letzte Aktualisierung: 03.08.2024
0 Bewertung
Prüfungs-/Lernheft-Code: ENG03-XS1-N01 / ENG03-XM1-N01
Benotung: 1
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