ENG04 S1 / ENG04 M1

ENG04 S1 / ENG04 M1 Cover - ENG04 S1 / ENG04 M1 2.90
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ENG04 - Freeway (Part 3)

Note 1 (100/100)! Schriftlich und Mündlich!
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Folgende Fragen sind für die ESA angegeben:

--> Schriftlicher Teil <--

1. Send in the written presentation you have prepared for exercise 11.8 (Free-way, Exercise e, p. 93). Include details about the school organisation, number of students and teachers, extra-curricular activities and information for parents. Write about 180 words.

2. Send in the letter of application you have written for exercise 13.6 (Freeway, Exercise c, p. 99).

3. Send in the CV you have created for exercise 13.8 (Freeway, Exercise b, p.101).

--> Mündlicher Teil <--

1. You are a very busy sales assistant. Your diary is full of appointments and meetings. Describe 6 appointments of next week. Give as much information as possible about each appointment and say what you are going to do, with whom, what you are going to discuss, why and how long each appointment is going to be. Make sure to include 1 free-time activity. Talk for about 2 minu-tes.

2. In a meeting you have to present an oral report on the intercultural training you have attended in New York. The training was about how to behave in business situations. Give information about your flight, accommodation, the city and the content of the course. Do not forget to say why such trainings are important for a successful career. Talk for about 2 minutes.
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ENG04_XS1.doc ~ 106 KB
ENG04_XM1.doc ~ 100.5 KB
--> Schriftlicher Teil <--

1. Send in the written presentation you have prepared for exercise 11.8 (Free-way, Exercise e, p. 93). Include details about the school organisation, number of students and teachers, extra-curricular activities and information for parents. Write about 180 words.

2. Send in the letter of application you have written for exercise 13.6 (Freeway, Exercise c, p. 99).

3. Send in the CV you have created for exercise 13.8 (Freeway, Exercise b, p.101).

--> Mündlicher Teil <--

1. You are a very busy sales assistant. Your diary is full of appointments and meetings. Describe 6 appointments of next week. Give as much information as possible about each appointment and say what you are going to do, with whom, what you are going to discuss, why and how long each appointment is going to be. Make sure to include 1 free-time activity. Talk for about 2 minu-tes.

2. In a meeting you have to present an oral report on the intercultural training you have attended in New York. The training was about how to behave in business situations. Give information about your flight, accommodation, the city and the content of the course. Do not forget to say why such trainings are important for a successful career. Talk for about 2 minutes.
Weitere Information: 30.01.2025 - 08:08:55
  Kategorie: Abitur und Hochschule
Eingestellt am: 29.05.2021 von oOKayleigh666Oo
Letzte Aktualisierung: 03.08.2024
0 Bewertung
Prüfungs-/Lernheft-Code: ENG04-XS1-N01 / ENG04-XM1-N01
Benotung: 1
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