ENG05 S1 / ENG05 M1

ENG05 S1 / ENG05 M1 Cover - ENG05 S1 / ENG05 M1 2.90
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ENG05 - Freeway (Part 4)

Note 1 (86/100)! Schriftlich und Note 2 Mündlich!
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Folgende Fragen sind für die ESA angegeben:

--> Schriftlicher Teil <--

Why girls are committing more crimes


1. Explain the following crimes in your own words or give examples:
–violent attacks
–criminal damage
–public order offences
–playground scuffles

2.Read the text and answer the following questions:
1. How can it be possible that there are more crimes committed by girls, but not more girls who committed crimes?
2. The rise of crimes could also be due to changing social attitudes. Explain why.
3. Why might police targets be to blame.
4. Describe two other suggested reasons for the increase in crimes committed by girls.

Übertragen Sie den letzten Abschnitt ins Deutsche. Übersetzen Sie nicht Wort für Wort!
The Home Secretary today announced proposals to extend the British Crime Survey to include under-16s’ experiences of crime, so that the government could “understand as fully as possible” young people’s concerns and experiences and establish the most comprehensive picture of youth victimization. In a statement, Jacqui Smith said: “I want to ensure that young people are offered as much protection from crime as possible, and receive support if they do become victims, whilst also tackling offending vigorously.“

4.Describe the graphs on page 121 in your textbook “Describing statistics: sto-len cars”. (Skills File 21 in the book might help you!)

--> Mündlicher Teil <--

1 .Describe the cartoon on page 117 of your textbook „Voluntary Organisations“ in your own words. Then discuss the problem which is shown in it. Have a look at Skills File 20 on page 165 first, make use of the given phrases there! Words you might need: –pillar (dt: Säule)
–welfare state (dt.: Wohlfahrtsstaat)
–employment, wealth, health
–social security
–voluntary organisations

2. Text: Why girls are committing more crimes? (s. schriftliche Einsendeaufgaben)Read the first two paragraphs out loud. Take care of your pronunciation.
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ENG05_XM1.doc ~ 92 KB
ENG05_XS1.doc ~ 106 KB
--> Schriftlicher Teil <--

Why girls are committing more crimes


1. Explain the following crimes in your own words or give examples:
–violent attacks
–criminal damage
–public order offences
–playground scuffles

2.Read the text and answer the following questions:
1. How can it be possible that there are more crimes committed by girls, but not more girls who committed crimes?
2. The rise of crimes could also be due to changing social attitudes. Explain why.
3. Why might police targets be to blame.
4. Describe two other suggested reasons for the increase in crimes committed by girls.

Übertragen Sie den letzten Abschnitt ins Deutsche. Übersetzen Sie nicht Wort für Wort!
The Home Secretary today announced proposals to extend the British Crime Survey to include under-16s’ experiences of crime, so that the government could “understand as fully as possible” young people’s concerns and experiences and establish the most comprehensive picture of youth victimization. In a statement, Jacqui Smith said: “I want to ensure that young people are offered as much protection from crime as possible, and receive support if they do become victims, whilst also tackling offending vigorously.“

4.Describe the graphs on page 121 in your textbook “Describing statistics: sto-len cars”. (Skills File 21 in the book might help you!)

--> Mündlicher Teil <--

1 .Describe the cartoon on page 117 of your textbook „Voluntary Organisations“ in your own words. Then discuss the problem which is shown in it. Have a look at Skills File 20 on page 165 first, make use of the given phrases there! Words you might need: –pillar (dt: Säule)
–welfare state (dt.: Wohlfahrtsstaat)
–employment, wealth, health
–social security
–voluntary organisations

2. Text: Why girls are committing more crimes? (s. schriftliche Einsendeaufgaben)Read the first two paragraphs out loud. Take care of your pronunciation.
Weitere Information: 30.01.2025 - 04:29:32
  Kategorie: Abitur und Hochschule
Eingestellt am: 29.05.2021 von oOKayleigh666Oo
Letzte Aktualisierung: 03.08.2024
0 Bewertung
Prüfungs-/Lernheft-Code: ENG05-XS1-N01 / ENG05-XM1-N01
Benotung: 1
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