ENGL02 - „An A to Z of Life in the US“ | ILS | Note 1 | aktuelle Version

ENGL02 - „An A to Z of Life in the US“ | ILS | Note 1 | aktuelle Version Cover - ENGL02 - „An A to Z of Life in the US“ | ILS | Note 1 | aktuelle Version 3.00
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Lösung zur Einsendeaufgabe ENGL02-XX03-K03

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1. The following twenty-six words in alphabetic order are all taken from the texts in this book. Please choose twenty of these words and write a sentence of your own to show that you know how to use each of these words correctly. An example has been done for you.
applicant – biodiversity – convenient – due to – to earn
to foresee – grassroots organisation – however – irreversible
to joyride – kick off – legislative – to be manned – to nominate
omnipresent – to persecute – quest – to reside – sea change – tribal
unofficial – victim – whilst – extended family – YMCA – jazz
Example: activity – Many people in the US like to participate in lots of activities in their free time, because they think they are wasting their time when doing nothing.
20 sentences / 20 pts

2. Text Production – Comment
Look back at all the texts you have written for each unit in this book.
Choose ONE comment.
Use the check list below to improve what you have written or rewrite your text.
Which task did you choose? Exercise ___ on page ___.
350–400 words / 40 pts

3. Text Production - Description
Look back at all the texts you have written for each unit in this book.
Choose ONE description.
Use the check list below to improve what you have written or rewrite your text.
Which task did you choose? Exercise ___ on page ___.
350–400 words / 40 pts

total: 100 pts

Checklist for text production
- Have you written roughly the right number of words (over 350 but less than 400)?
- Have you given your text a title?
- Have you written an introductory paragraph and an appropriate ending to your text (conclusion)?
- Have you used the right language for the task (giving an opinion/agreeing/disagreeing/describing etc.)?
- Have you used vocabulary from the unit and checked that no informal words have been used?
- Have you included the different writing techniques recommended
throughout the book (e. g. using connectors, varying your language, etc.)?
- Have you used paragraphs, capital letters and commas where necessary?
Weitere Information: 26.09.2024 - 18:22:56
  Kategorie: Abitur und Hochschule
Eingestellt am: 24.09.2024 von Wisecracker7
Letzte Aktualisierung: 24.09.2024
0 Bewertung
Bisher verkauft: 2 mal
Bisher aufgerufen: 43 mal
Prüfungs-/Lernheft-Code: ENGL02-XX03-K03
Benotung: 1
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