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1. Assignment:
Grammar test
Underline the correct words to complete this text.
Can you think of someone you 1 admire/have admired for a long time? Imagine what it would be like to actually meet him/her. Well, that’s what 2 was happening/happened to me the other day. I was on my way to a meeting in a part of London that I 3 had/have never been to before, and I 4 didn’t want/wasn’t wanting to be late so 5 I was walking/walked quite quickly. On top of that, 6 it rained/was raining, so I had my head down to avoid the rain getting on my glasses: I don’t like umbrellas and 7 have never had/wasn’t having one. Anyway, as I was walking along, I noticed a group of people with lights and cameras on the pavement in front of me. They 8 were standing/stood in front of a cafe. As it was quite early in the morning, I thought it unusual to see so many people in one place. Then I 9 have realised/realised that they 10 made/were making a film, so I 11 have slowed/slowed down to see what was going on. I was only about five metres away from them when the person who seemed to be in charge 12 had given/gave me a huge smile and a wave. As I 13 didn’t see/had never seen her before, I was a bit confused, but 14 smile/smiled back and was about to say hello when I 15 heard/was hearing her say ‘Good morning, Sandra!’ I knew then that she 16 didn’t talk/wasn’t talking to me. I was a bit embarrassed, but wanted to see who Sandra was, so I turned around and saw Sandra Carter, one of my favourite TV stars. 17 She’s been/was being in many of my favourite programmes. Just at that moment, I tripped on something on the pavement and fell over, and Sandra stumbled over my legs and nearly fell too, but 18 has managed/managed to stay upright. She helped me up and said ‘Careful! 19 Are you hurt yourself/Have you hurt yourself? Are you all right?’ I got up and replied that I was ok. I was too embarrassed to say anything else. That’s how I met someone 20 I’d always wanted/I’m always wanting to meet.
2. Assignment:
Vocabulary test

Complete the sentences with word pairs from this list, making any grammatical changes that are necessary. You don’t need to use all the word pairs.

public eye | time limit | get me | flick through | conduct experiments | the hang |
go into | ever since | an effort | work out | go according | household name | give up | take a | try out | be fun | my position | set up | be strict | resist doing | a go | hear of | know what | do well | the rest | keep it | an idea | be worthwhile | be upset
1. I’ve never tried snowboarding, but I’d really like to have [. . .].
2. Scientists have [. . .] into what makes a positive role model.
3. On my first day at work I didn’t [. . .] to expect. I was quite nervous.
4. To keep in good condition, a lot of people [. . .] in the gym.
5. The meeting was a big success. Everything [. . .] to plan.
6. I know it’s a bad habit, but I’m finding it really hard to [. . .] smoking.
7. Last night I [. . .] a new chicken curry recipe that I found online. It was great.
8. I’m naturally quite lazy, so I have to [. . .] with myself about getting up early.
9. Mary told me about her hero. It was someone I’d never [. . .].
10. Self-confidence and self-discipline were both reasons why she [. . .] in her career in the difficult years after the financial crash.
11. I’ve loved camping holidays [. . .] I was a child.
12. It took me a while to get [. . .] of the new machine, but I’m fine with it now.
13. I know exactly why I [. . .] science: I wanted to be like Marie Curie!
14. By nature I’m very shy, so I have to really make [. . .] to talk to new people.
15. Famous people are just like [. . .] of us: they make mistakes, too.
16. You all did well last week. I was pleased with your work. Please [. . .] up.
17. I decided to learn Swahili because I thought it might [. . .].
18. Did you know she [. . .] her first company at the age of 22?
19. I can’t imagine what it must be like to live your life in the [. . .] every minute of every day, like some celebrities do.
20. Don’t [. . .] wrong: I love chocolate. It’s just that I’m trying to lose weight now.
3. Assignment:
Text production
You are going to analyse a cartoon. Cartoons are generally humorous comments on aspects of our society or human behaviour that make their point visually and without relying on too much text – though you might find a caption beneath the cartoon, or a speech bubble in the cartoon.
Often cartoons express a point of view on a social, political or cultural topic. Some are quickly dated, others remain relevant for decades. Cartoons in one country may not be understood in another country, though many are international.
How to analyse a cartoon effectively:
First, look at the detail and style of the cartoon and describe what you see. You should mention:
• who the person/people in the cartoon are, what their relationship is, their age and background (if possible, do they look rich or not, middle class or not; are they normal people or celebrities, do they appear to be stereotypes or caricatures, etc.)
• where they are
• if they are standing, sitting, walking, working, etc.
• what they are doing/wearing/thinking
• what else is visible in the cartoon.
Comment on any text you see in a speech bubble or caption above or below the cartoon. You should mention:
• what the text says
• what you think it means and how it relates to the people in the cartoon.
Now provide an analysis of the cartoon. You should focus on:
• the point you think the cartoonist is making
• whether you think the intention of the cartoonist is positive or negative
• how the cartoonist is making his/her point clear.
Finally, you should say whether you think:
• the cartoon is successful in communicating the message
• why you think it is or isn’t
• if you agree with the point or not, and why.
Write about 250 words.
Useful expressions for analysing a cartoon:
The cartoon shows …/This is a cartoon that shows …
In the cartoon there is/are …
On the left/right/In the middle/In the foreground/background there is/are …
There’s a speech bubble/caption which says …
The person on the left/right/in the middle seems to be/be doing …
The people in the cartoon are/appear to be (stereotypes/caricatures/celebrities) because …
The main point the cartoonist is (trying to make)/making is that …
The cartoonist is showing that/underlining the opinion that/making fun of …
I would say that the cartoon is/isn’t effective/successful because …
What makes the cartoon effective/(un)successful is the fact that …
Personally, I think/don’t think the cartoon works well because …
I agree/disagree with the cartoonist about …
Now, write your analysis of this cartoon in about 250 words:
4. Assignment:
In this activity, you have to read and understand a text in English and then provide certain information about it in English for international students. Don’t worry if the text is long or contains new vocabulary – just focus on the key points.
To do this well, you should:
1. Read and understand the main ideas, or the ‘gist’, of the text.
2. Check what information you have to provide, and why, and who wants it from you.
3. Find the key information required in the text.
4. Decide what style to present the information in (e.g.: formal and impersonal
for an article, informal for an email to a friend)
5. Summarise the key information required, using paraphrase so you don’t simply copy the information.
6. Check you haven’t expressed your own ideas or opinions, or included
unnecessary details such as specific examples, direct speech quotations, etc.
Here is your task:
You are spending one year abroad as an exchange student. An English friend of yours is working on a school magazine project called ‘What makes a good role model?’ and has asked for your help. He/she found this article after a Google search and have asked you to write a summary of the relevant information for him/her.
Write about 250 words.
Role models and the ability to inspire
Role models have a key contribution to make in our development as children and beyond. For young children, naturally enough, the first role models come from the immediate family – normally the parents. Then it’s often the case that as children grow up and gain some independence, those with elder brothers or sisters will choose them as more suitable role models, as they are closer in age and experience than the parents and have more recently mastered the immediate challenges that the growing child faces. This is undoubtedly a very significant part of what attracts people to role models: they have demonstrated an ability to overcome problems and challenges. This shows young people that success is possible.
As we develop our interests in the world and become exposed to more people in different areas of life, more role models become available, for example rock stars, footballers, TV celebrities and so on. Often what makes these people attractive as role models is not their success but their passion for what they do, which is another key element in their ability to inspire others.
Research shows that when interviewed, many teenagers had a very clear idea of the benefits of having role models. Part of an American research project, Tammy, aged 19, described the person she found inspirational as someone with a ‘clear sense of what is important in life, with a focus on making a difference in the world’. Nick, aged 15, commented that when he feels lazy, he makes an effort to think of his basketball player role model and then feels motivated to work again.
What both these examples show is that true role models are not necessarily people with the greatest fame or the most money – they are people who inspire children to achieve their potential. One important aspect of this is that the role models show a clear set of values, supporting causes such as education or social change, or fighting poverty, and social change, and act according to their beliefs at all times. Their values are part of who they are.
There is no doubt that some role models can also have a negative impact, which is why parents are advised to talk to their children about their role models. In real life, even positive role models can make poor choices. However, there are numerous cases of people in the public eye whose behaviour may involve racism, sexism, or dishonesty of various sorts, and some children may come to believe such negative behaviour is acceptable or even something to be copied and repeated.
What these negative examples have in common is that their commitment is to themselves. Positive role models on the other hand have a belief in their community; they are focused on others, not themselves. They give their time and talents to help others. At the local level, this may mean helping neighbours in need or working for charities.
Children develop as a result of the experiences they have and the relationships they make. Role models play an important part in inspiring kids to learn, face their challenges and become active members of society. What research shows is that positive role models encourage children to believe in themselves. With that belief, anyone can make a difference in the world.
Weitere Information: 03.03.2025 - 05:54:21
  Kategorie: Abitur und Hochschule
Eingestellt am: 22.10.2022 von studywithemilia
Letzte Aktualisierung: 30.10.2022
1 Bewertung
Bisher verkauft: 2 mal
Bisher aufgerufen: 770 mal
Prüfungs-/Lernheft-Code: ENIA01-XX01
Benotung: 1
30.10.22 - Ananoym:
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