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Schriftliche Ausarbeitung der ESA ENIA04 der Fernschule ILS, mit Lösung eines Fernlehrers.
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ENIA04 Lösung 1.docx ~ 188.42 KB
ENIA04 Lösung 2.docx ~ 71.68 KB
1. Grammar test
1. Assignment:
Choose the correct form.
Jacky: Hi, Glen. It’s great 1 to 1 see/seeing you again. How are things?
Glen: Not very interesting, to be honest. 2 To work/Working in the local shop
3 for earning/to earn/earning some money is boring. 4 Standing/To stand behind the counter all day 5 to serve/serving people is not my idea of fun.
It’s 6 so/such a boring job. I don’t know how anyone can do it for their whole lives. I find it 7 so/such tiring being on my feet all day. I’m actually looking forward 8 to go/going back to college in the autumn.
Jacky: Aren’t you planning 9 to have/having a holiday somewhere? For me it’s really important 10 to get away/getting away from everything for a couple of weeks. I don’t necessarily mean just 11 lie/lying on a beach and 12 do/doing nothing. No, 13 to have/having a change is good for you. That’s what I think. One week really isn’t 14 enough long/long enough, and a month is probably 15 too long/too much long. I really recommend 16 going abroad/to go abroad somewhere nice and 17 to explore/ exploring a new place for a while.
Glen: I don’t know. 18 To travel/Travelling abroad is not really my thing. Anyway, I’m trying 19 saving/to save money so I can buy a car. A racer.
Jacky: A racer? I didn’t know you were interested 20 in racing/to race/in race.
8/10 pts
2. Assignment:
Rewrite these sentences correcting the mistakes.
1. English speaks all around the world these days.
2. My watch isn’t work so I need get fix it.
3. When I got back home I found my laptop stolen.
4. Next week we have the house paint.
5. In hospital the patients’ temperatures checking twice a day.
6. A lot of articles writing in the last few years about artificial intelligence.
7. My leg break in a skiing accident last year, and I stolen my purse, too!
8. I love Rihanna. I took my photo with her after her concert last month.
9. I’m quite competitive. I always try doing my best.
10. We had such lot fun when we went to London. It was too good.
[. . .]
<Pkt.>/15 pts

2. Vocabulary test
Complete the sentences with the missing word from this list. Not all the words are needed.
gets | script | space | attic | congestion | increased | revived | stunning |
declined | shot | survival | deteriorated | cottage | unique | basement |
setting | bungalow | disappeared | series | outskirts | memorable |
cast | episode | terraced | competition | impressive

3. Text production
Choose one of the following two options.
Option 1: text-based composition
Look again at the text ‘Quick – slow down!’ on pages 80 and 81 of the course book.
“We are in such a hurry that we are creating big problems for ourselves.” (The first sentence of the final paragraph on page 81).
Explain the quote above in relation to the whole text of ‘Quick – slow down!’ Outline what these problems are and suggest possible solutions.
Option 2: Composition
“We would lose more than we gained if there was a single global language spoken by everyone.” Discuss.
Write about 350 words.
[. . .]
<Pkt.>/41 pts

4. Listening
You will hear a radio lecture on the topic of global tourism.


Audio A.1: Global Tourism
Answer the questions.
1. Why does the speaker believe mass tourism is here to stay?
2. What are the big changes since our grandparents’ time, according to the speaker?
3. What two examples are given of the benefits to the consumer of competition
in the travel industry?
4. What point does the speaker make about TV programmes?
5. How do many young people choose where they’re going on holiday?
6. What examples of the positive impact of tourism for local residents does the speaker mention?
7. What indicates that the speaker has a balanced view of mass tourism?
8. How does the speaker feel about the future of tourism?
Weitere Information: 03.03.2025 - 18:31:55
  Kategorie: Abitur und Hochschule
Eingestellt am: 18.06.2023 von studywithemilia
Letzte Aktualisierung: 18.06.2023
0 Bewertung
Bisher verkauft: 5 mal
Bisher aufgerufen: 795 mal
Prüfungs-/Lernheft-Code: ENIA04-XX1-N01
Benotung: 2
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