ILS Einsendeaufgabe ENGO 7A/N und 7B/N !!!

ILS Einsendeaufgabe ENGO 7A/N und 7B/N !!! Cover - ILS Einsendeaufgabe ENGO 7A/N und 7B/N !!! 3.99
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The short story - A Day's Wait ; The blue film

Im Anhang findest du die Einsendeaufgaben ENGO 7A/N und ENGO 7B/N mit Korrektur. Diese Einsendeaufgabe dient lediglich zum Denkanstoß! Bitte auf keinen Fall kopieren! Bei Fragen stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung.
Benotung 7A/N - 1,30
Benotung 7B/N - 3,00

Ich wünsche Viel Glück. :)
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ENGO_7A_N.docx ~ 23.43 KB
ENGGO_7B_N.pdf ~ 1.16 MB
ENGGO_7B_N_Korrektur.doc ~ 79.5 KB
Text - Ernest Hemingway - A Day’s Wait
1. Comprehension
a) Point out the central misunderstanding.
(Do not write more than 100 words; count the words and write the number underneath your text.)
b) Outline three situations or events happening in the story that hint at the misunderstanding.
2. Analysis
a) Characterise the boy.
b) Analyse three means (e.g. stylistic devices, narrative techniques) that are used to create tension.
3. Comment / Creative Writing:
b) Creative Writing:
Write the interior monologue the boy might have after his father has left him alone to go hunting. Make sure you also include events or situations from the story.

Text - GRAHAM GREENE - The Blue Film
1. Comprehension
Summarise the story in about 250 to 300 words.
(Count the words and write the number underneath your text.)
2. Analysis
a) Analyse three means that are employed to underline the unhappy marriage.
b) State where the story is set and examine how local colour is created.
3. Comment/Creative Writing
b) Creative Writing
Mrs Carter is very satisfied after having had sex with her husband. The next morning, she writes a diary entry reflecting on what happened the previous day and night. (Write about 300–400 words; count the words and write the number underneath your text!)
Weitere Information: 29.01.2025 - 15:45:14
  Kategorie: Abitur und Hochschule
Eingestellt am: 05.07.2023 von Mrs_Griffey
Letzte Aktualisierung: 05.07.2023
0 Bewertung
Bisher verkauft: 10 mal
Bisher aufgerufen: 623 mal
Prüfungs-/Lernheft-Code: EngO 7a/N-XX02-A05 ; ENGO 7b/N-XX01-A05
Benotung: 1
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