ILS EngM 2 / 0116K15 Note 1,00

ILS EngM 2 / 0116K15 Note 1,00 Cover - ILS EngM 2 / 0116K15 Note 1,00 2.90
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Life's Turning Points

Code: EngM 2 / 0116K15
Note: 1,00
Mit Nachweis der Note: Ja
Mit Korrektur/Kommentar: Nein

Meine persönlichen Informationen habe ich in meinen Lösungen zensiert.

Ich untersage hiermit auch ausdrücklich das direkte Einsenden meiner Einsendeaufgabe! Diese Lösung darf nur als Hilfe verwendet werden.

Bei Fragen zu den Lösungen könnt ihr euch gerne an mich wenden.

Liebe Grüße
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EngM 2 0116K15 Note 1,00.pdf ~ 106.92 KB
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Read the following text carefully and try to understand as much of it as possible
without making use of a dictionary.
1. Bell had emigrated to the USA.
2. Watson was Bell’s employee.
3. Bell and Watson worked on different levels of the same house.
4. Bell’s next step was to try out his invention over longer distances.
5. Until 1876 people were unable to contact each other over long distances.
6. By June 1876 the telephone had been born.
7. Queen Victoria was impressed by Bell’s invention.
8. In the first year of its existence The Telephone Company Ltd. had more than
2000 subscribers.
9. Wherever Bell went people found his invention extraordinary.
10. In 1900 it was possible to make telephone calls on the street.
11. In 1936 Britain pioneered a major development in the field of telecommunications.
12. The number of people with a telephone almost doubled from 1950 to 1968.
13. Everybody in Britain now has a landline connection.
14. Satellite technology has simplified the process of speaking to people in faraway countries on the telephone.
15. Having the right mobile phone is the most important status symbol for young

usw. ...
Weitere Information: 03.03.2025 - 11:46:12
  Kategorie: Abitur und Hochschule
Eingestellt am: 07.06.2022 von schoolbusdropout
Letzte Aktualisierung: 07.06.2022
0 Bewertung
Bisher verkauft: 2 mal
Bisher aufgerufen: 767 mal
Prüfungs-/Lernheft-Code: EngM 2 / 0116K15
Benotung: 1
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