NOTE 1 LEF05 - XS4 Englisch Lösung Einsendeaufgabe 2022 SGD / ILS

NOTE 1 LEF05 - XS4 Englisch Lösung Einsendeaufgabe 2022 SGD / ILS Cover - NOTE 1 LEF05 - XS4 Englisch Lösung Einsendeaufgabe 2022 SGD / ILS 2.00
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The adolescent nowadays really want to work. But there aren´t enough jobs.

What was she eating, while preparing the meal?

How much income tax did you have to pay last year?
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Progress test – Lektion 17
Translate the following sentences into English by using the correct tenses.
a) Die Jugendlichen von heute wollen wirklich arbeiten. Aber es gibt nicht genug Arbeitsplätze.
b) Was aß sie, während sie das Essen zubereitete?
c) Wie viel Einkommensteuer mussten Sie letztes Jahr zahlen?
d) Was empfand er, als er begriff, was ihm passiert war?
e) Diesen Roman lesen wir gerade im Englischunterricht. Ich bin fasziniert von ihm.

Choose the correct word to complete the following. Verbs must be put into the correct tense.
a) She needs…soap to wash her hands with.
1) much 2) any 3) a 4) a cake of
b) If children are badly…, they very often…badly.

1) to bring up 2) to behave 3) to train 4) to educate 5) to act
c) It’s hard to…whether it…rain or not.

1) to know 2) will 3) may 4) to say 5) to tell
d) The paper was written in very scientific….

1) idioms 2) language 3) speech
e) As it was a sunny day we made a nice…on the Thames.
1) tour 2) voyage 3) trip 4) journey

Complete the following sentences with who, which, whom or whose and write down the meaning of the sentence in German.

Read following text and write a summary that answers the questions: when, who, where, what.

Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice. Then translate each sentence into German. (underlined part = subject of the passive sentence)
a) Somebody has found the boy the people wanted.
b) They will take her to hospital tomorrow.

c) They ought not to speak about such things in public.
d) Didn’t anybody ever teach the boy how to behave?
e) I think they will repair your TV set tomorrow.
f) Nobody has ever spoken to me like that.

Choose the correct words from the alternatives given and underline your choice.
Complete the following sentences with the suitable preposition.
Translate into English.
a) Alaska besteht aus vielen Inseln.
Progress test – Lektion 19
Put the following sentences into the past tense and underline the verb form.
a) You must not smoke in here.

Rewrite the following sentences, using too or enough.
a) She was so embarrassed that she could not look at me.
Translate into German.
a) They were not to survive in that car crash.
Please rewrite the following sentences, replacing the bold printed verb by a phrasal verb. Underline the new verb form you chose.
a) Can you continue with this project?
Progress test – Lektion 20
Complete the following sentences with as, as if or like.
The following exercise involves multiple choice questions related to the text of your l-esson. Choose the correct answer from the possibilities given.
Do vegetarians lead more healthy lives?
Consider possible arguments for or against vegetarianism and give a personal comment. (Write 300–400 words. Don’t forget to structure your thoughts.)
Weitere Information: 30.01.2025 - 01:06:01
  Kategorie: Abitur und Hochschule
Eingestellt am: 08.02.2022 von Sabsy
Letzte Aktualisierung: 26.04.2022
0 Bewertung
Bisher verkauft: 9 mal
Bisher aufgerufen: 1400 mal
Prüfungs-/Lernheft-Code: LEF05
Benotung: 1
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