SGD TECE05 ESA Note 2 Cover - SGD TECE05 ESA Note 2 2.00
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ESA Lösung XX03-K08 SGD / Englisch


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TECE05_Einsendeaufgaben.docx ~ 61.62 KB
1. Read the following text and complete the sentences which follow it.

The iPhone
The iPhone is an internet-connected multimedia smartphone designed and marketed
by Apple Inc. Since its minimal hardware interface lacks a physical keyboard, the
multi-touch screen renders a virtual keyboard when necessary. The iPhone functions
as a camera phone (also including text messaging and visual voicemail), a portable
media player (equivalent to an iPod) and an internet client (with e-mail, web browsing and local Wi-Fi connectivity).
The touch screen is a 9-cm (3.5-in) liquid crystal display (320 × 480 pixel at
6.3 pixel/mm, 160 ppi) with scratch-resistant glass and can render 262,144 colours.
The capacitive touchscreen is designed for a bare finger or multiple fingers for multitouch sensing. Most gloves and styluses prevent the necessary electrical conductivity.
The display responds to three sensors. A proximity sensor deactivates the display
and touch screen when the iPhone is brought near the face during a call. This is done
to save battery power and to prevent inadvertent inputs from the user’s face and
ears. An ambient light sensor adjusts the display brightness which in turn saves battery power. A three-axis accelerometer senses the orientation of the phone and
changes the screen accordingly, allowing the user to easily switch between portrait
and landscape mode.

a) There is no visible keyboard located on the iPhone but …
b) Web browsing and local Wi-Fi are …
c) The scratch-resistant glass protects …
d) The display and touch screen are deactivated …
e) The orientation of the phone is …

2. Put in the correct form of the verbs.
a) If the institute ________________________ (spend) any more money on this
project, they will go bankrupt.
b) If he came to the conference, everybody ________________________ (be) delighted.
c) Providing the parts arrive in time, we _______________________ (be able) to
repair the television within two hours.
d) I’m sure we would succeed if we really (try) ___________________________ .
e) The machine _______________________ (work) longer if you oiled it according to the instructions in the manual.

3. Translate the following sentences into English. Pay attention to the conditional sentences.
a) Wenn die Firmen ihre Computer besser nutzen würden, würden sie sicher eine Menge Zeit sparen
b) Wir zerstören die Erde, wenn wir die Umwelt weiterhin auf diese Art verschmutzen.
c) Wenn die Erbauer des Tunnels etwas vom Geschäft verstehen würden, hätten wir nicht all diese Extrakosten.
d) Sie müssen Ihr Haus isolieren, wenn Sie die Wärme in den Räumen behalten wollen.
e) Wenn die Batterie in Ordnung wäre, würde der Wagen anspringen

4. Nowadays there are many tools and devices to help people in companies work more quickly and efficiently. Choose three of the following tools / devices and write about how you personally use them at work. (Aim to write 40–50 word for each one.)
Tablet computer
Video conference system
CAD software
USB Stick
A tool/device of your own choice

5. A new empoyee at your company needs your advice: his/her printer doesn’t work.
Write the telephone conversation between you and the employee. (About 120 words)
Weitere Information: 30.01.2025 - 00:16:02
  Kategorie: Abitur und Hochschule
Eingestellt am: 04.02.2024 von Denim0610
Letzte Aktualisierung: 04.02.2024
0 Bewertung
Bisher verkauft: 3 mal
Bisher aufgerufen: 417 mal
Prüfungs-/Lernheft-Code: XX03-K05
Benotung: 2
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