schriftliche Einsendeaufgabe Englisch Sgd LEF06, Note 1,3

schriftliche Einsendeaufgabe Englisch Sgd LEF06, Note 1,3 Cover - schriftliche Einsendeaufgabe Englisch Sgd LEF06, Note 1,3 3.00
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Note 1,3; Englisch für Fortgeschrittene Lessons 21-24, schriftliche Einsendeaufgabe

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21.1 Complete the following sentences with while, as or when.
a) I shall be in Paris next week. – Good, phone me ____________ you arrive.
b) They arrived ____________ we were trying to phone them.
c) ____________ we were late, we took a taxi.
d) I didn’t come ____________ it was raining.
e) I’ll tell her ____________ I see her.
21.2 Complete the following sentences, supplying the correct past tense (past or past perfect) of the verbs in brackets.
a) When I _______________ (come) in, the meeting already _______________ (begin).
b) Before medical help _______________ (arrive), two of the survivors _______________ (die).
c) Where _______ you (go) for your holidays last year?
d) She _______________ (jump) up as if a bee _______________ (sting) her.
e) When the plane _______________ (land), the pilot _______________ (find) that one of the wings _______________ (be damaged).
f) We _______________ (not see) them for years when we _______________ (meet) them yesterday.
g) His mother _______________ (worry) a lot about him before she _______________(hear) that he _______________ (be) safe.
h) The headmaster _______________ (say) that work _______________ (begin) on the new school hall in March and that it _______________ (be finished) in June.
i) Yesterday I _______________ (buy) a new watch as my old one _______________ (be stolen).
21.3 Comment on the following statement:
‘Most people don’t learn from experience. This is why history repeats itself.’
– Deal with the statement in general, e.g. explain what it means and whether it seems to be right.
– Try to find one or two examples that illustrate your view. (Think for example of the rise of neo-fascist or nationalist parties in Germany and in France.)
– Give your personal opinion.
Write 300 – 400 words.
22.1 Complete the following sentences, supplying the correct form of the verb in brackets.
a) If Bob ________________ (take) my advice, everything ought to go well.
b) If she ________________ (not answer) the telephone, she would never have heard the good news.
c) My uncle would be able to help us if he ________________ (be) here.
d) My wife says she wishes I ________________ (be) a hundred miles away; indeed, I wish I ________________ (be).
e) Had you asked me, I ________________ (tell) you the answer.
f) If you ________________ (be) in, I should have given it to you.
g) But if he doesn’t play regularly, he ________________ (not improve) much.
h) If they ________________ (wait), they would have seen me.
i) I ________________ (catch) the last bus home last night.
22.2 Fill in the correct prepositions in these sentences.
a) He took a map ________________ his pocket and pointed ________________ the route.
b) It’s no use keeping ________________ telling him to give ________________ smoking as he can’t cure himself ________________ a habit so easily.
c) It is bad ________________ children to stay ________________ late ________________ night too often.
d) That’s the first step ________________ getting the matter cleared ________________.
e) This man was dismissed ________________ his job ________________ corruption.
f) Please speak ________________, but try to keep ________________ the point!
g) I don’t care much ________________ Bourbon, I prefer wine ________________ whiskey.
h) I can’t approve ________________ your action and what you did was done ________________ my consent.
i) Concentrate ________________ doing a little work just ________________ a change.
j) I am afraid I am not too good ________________ mathematics.
22.3 Translate.
a) Ich habe dich nicht um (deinen) Rat gebeten.
b) Sie würden das Haus nicht wiedererkennen.
c) Sie alle wandern aus politischen Gründen aus.
d) Sie wählten ihn zu ihrem Anführer.
e) Er zog nach New York und schrieb Lieder.
23.1 Complete the following sentences with possibility or opportunity.
a) There is no __________________ of getting tickets for the show anymore.
b) __________________ knocks only once in a lifetime.
c) This job offers you every __________________ of improving your position.
d) She gladly accepted the __________________ of visiting her parents in America.
e) There is not much __________________ of anyone having survived the disaster.
f) We should welcome the __________________ of meeting your wife.
g) The __________________ that there might be a leak in our tank worried us a great deal.
h) The __________________ of his being a traitor never occurred to them.
23.2 Change the dialogue into reported speech. Start with: ‘The policeman said ... and Jane answered ...’
Policeman: Sorry, Miss. You can’t park your car here. Don’t you see the no parking sign over there?
Jane: Yes, but I have to park here. My TV set is out of order and I’m taking it to that radio and TV shop over there.
Policeman: You can park in Market Street.
Jane: But I’m not very strong. I can’t carry a TV set from Market Street to the shop.
Policeman: O.K. You can park your car here for a minute.
Jane: Thank you.
Policeman: And I can carry the TV set for you.
Jane: Oh, that’s nice. Thank you very much.
23.3 Translate.
a) Mark sagte, ‘Ich komme euch am Sonntag besuchen.’
b) Er sagt, dass das Gemälde fertig ist.
c) Mary sagte, dass das Wetter schön war und dass sie bis Sonntag bleiben werden.
d) Sie sagte mir, ich sollte Platz nehmen.
e) Sie bat mich , die Pflanzen vom Wohnzimmer zu gießen.
24.1 Complete the following sentences, putting the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. You will need to use the following tenses: simple past, continuous past, and past perfect.
a) Last year she _______________ (stay) in Liverpool for a couple of months. While she _______________ (stay) there, she _______________ (meet) her future husband for the first time.
b) Last week Mary and her boy-friend _______________ (arrive) just while we _______________ (have) breakfast.
c) They would have come to visit us last night. But the bad weather _______________ (prevent) them, so they _______________ (stay) at home all the evening.
d) When we _______________ (come) to the bus station, we _______________ (see) that she already _______________ (sit) in one of the buses.
e) When they _______________ (wake) up the next morning, they _______________(look) outside and _______________ (see) that the sun _______________ (shine) and the boys _______________ (row) on the lake.
f) It _______________ (rain) cats and dogs when we _______________ (leave) the hotel yesterday morning.
g) While we _______________ (watch) television last night, a man who we _______________ (meet) the day before suddenly _______________ (appear) on the screen.
h) Just as she _______________ (pass) them, the traffic lights _______________ (change) to red.
2. Please put the following questions into reported speech.
a) What do you normally have for breakfast?
b) Do you have to work a lot at the moment?
c) Would you like to come along?
d) How long have you been living here?
e) Were you tired yesterday evening?
f) What are you doing this weekend?
g) Will you help me or not?
h) Can you drop in tonight?
24.3 Essay
What are the future tasks for science?
– Should scientific research be concerned with the exploration of outer space in the first place?
– Should it turn to micro-organisms and biology?
– Give your personal comment.
Write about 300–350 words in all. Weigh the pros and cons carefully when answering both questions. Remember to structure your thoughts.
Weitere Information: 02.03.2025 - 19:30:39
  Kategorie: Schulabschluss
Eingestellt am: 07.08.2023 von DeborahM_
Letzte Aktualisierung: 07.08.2023
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Bisher verkauft: 5 mal
Bisher aufgerufen: 703 mal
Prüfungs-/Lernheft-Code: LEF06
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