ILS-Einsendeaufgabe TECE 4-XX03-K06

ILS-Einsendeaufgabe TECE 4-XX03-K06 Cover - ILS-Einsendeaufgabe TECE 4-XX03-K06 2.00
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Technical English 4


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A ring stand is probably the handiest single support you can own. It can be used to hold a funnel or to support a flask, beaker or crucible over a flame.
A tripod may be substituted for a ring stand. This three-legged iron stand may have a single ring for a top or it may have several concentric rings which can be removed or added to suit the size of the apparatus to be heated.
If you have a supply of gas in your lab, a Bunsen or a Fisher burner will solve practically all your heat problems. If you have not, you will have to improvise. A small alcohol lamp will generally do for heating test-tubes. A larger alcohol or gasoline burner or an electric hot plate will heat flasks and beakers. A propane soldering torch, provided with a flame spreader, will give you plenty of heat.
The Bunsen burner may be bought in types for either natural or artificial gas. A wing-top attachment will spread the flame for the working glass. The hottest part of a Bunsen flame is a point just inside the tip of its outer cone. To light a Bunsen burner, close the air supply at the base of the burner, turn on the gas at the source and bring a lighted match just above the mouth of the burner from one side. Then gradually open the air supply until the original luminous yellow flame has turned non-luminous and blue.
Weitere Information: 01.03.2025 - 17:06:50
  Kategorie: Sonstiges
Eingestellt am: 30.08.2023 von carni
Letzte Aktualisierung: 30.08.2023
0 Bewertung
Bisher verkauft: 7 mal
Bisher aufgerufen: 628 mal
Prüfungs-/Lernheft-Code: TECE 4-XX03-K06
Benotung: 2
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