SGD Einsendeaufgabe TECE01-XX03-K12

SGD Einsendeaufgabe TECE01-XX03-K12 Cover - SGD Einsendeaufgabe TECE01-XX03-K12 2.00
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Englisch - Booklet 1

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1. Assignment:

Read the following text about iron and steel:
English / Deutsch
abundant im Überfluss
readily leicht
current gegenwärtig
ductile verformbar
malleable schmiedbar
neither … nor weder … noch

Iron and Steel
Of all the metallic elements, iron is the most important. It is abundant, easy to extract from its ores, and can readily be made into our main constructional material, steel. No metal is used as much as steel. Current world production of steel is about 600 million tonnes a year. This compares with only about 10 million tonnes of aluminium, the next most widely used metal.
Metallic iron itself is a greyish-white metal that is highly ductile and malleable, and therefore easy to shape. It is magnetic; most magnets contain iron, along with other magnetic elements like nickel and cobalt. By itself, iron is neither hard nor particularly strong. But with the addition of a little carbon it becomes steel. This is where its great advantage lies. 
1.1 Please answer the following questions on the text in complete sentences.
Example: Which material is our main constructional material?
Insufficient answer: Steel.
Correct answer: Steel is our main constructional material.

a) Which elements do most magnets contain?
[. . .]
b) What are the advantages of iron?
[. . .]
c) How many tonnes of steel are produced annually?
[. . .]
d) What must we do to make iron really hard?
[. . .]

1.2 Find one English word in the text which means the same as the phrases below. Example: of great value → important
a) at the present → [. . .]
b) to include/to comprise → [. . .]
c) to be able to attract → [. . .]
d) benefit/superiority → [. . .]
e) used in building → [. . .]
f) to remove → [. . .]

2. Assignment:
Introduce yourself to your tutor. Please write about your personal background, qualifications and your job (between 100 and 150 words).
[. . .]

3. Assignment:
Put the following sentences into the simple past tense:
a) We use large amounts of hydrogen in industry.
[. . .]
b) It forms a colourless, odourless gas.
[. . .]

c) The chemical industry takes many kinds of raw materials and turns them into useful products.
[. . .]
d) We build in a catalyst.
[. . .]
e) When do you work in the laboratory?
[. . .]
f) He reads the reports.
[. . .]
g) The technician does not always measure all the parameters.
[. . .]
h) They show me the new tools and tell me about their advantages.
[. . .]
Weitere Information: 28.01.2025 - 23:29:40
  Kategorie: Sonstiges
Eingestellt am: 05.12.2024 von Zerborus
Letzte Aktualisierung: 05.12.2024
0 Bewertung
Bisher verkauft: 0 mal
Bisher aufgerufen: 74 mal
Prüfungs-/Lernheft-Code: TECE01-XX-K12
Benotung: 1
noch keine Bewertungen vorhanden
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