ILS - Fachaufgabe Englisch / PR-ENG01 Note: 1

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Fachaufgabe Englisch

Code: PR-ENG01
Note: 1
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Exercise 1: Job Description
Read the text below about Andrew Ridpath
Hello, my name’s Andrew Ridpath.
I’m the head machinery mechanic at State-of-the-Art Systems.
Repair and maintenance of machinery is an essential part of any production process and
here at State-of-the-Art Systems there is a team of 5 mechanics who are responsible for
making sure that every machine runs safely and reliably.
As head machinery mechanic I have three main areas of responsibility. First, I supervise
the repair and maintenance of our machinery. I conduct annual tests to detect malfunctions and inaccuracies in the machines. I also train and update my team on any modifications and innovations in the production process.
It is a very demanding job, which involves working in a hot, loud and cramped environment. Due to exposure to hazardous substances and equipment we are required to wear
protective equipment, such as safety glasses, hearing protection and hard hats. I’m normally in the factory from 7.30 until 4p.m from Monday to Friday with a 30 minute lunch
break. The company is thinking about introducing a three-shift system, 7 days a week.
This would certainly make the production process more efficient, but I would miss my
free weekends.
Answer the following questions in full sentences
1. Where does Andrew Ridpath work and what is his position in the company?
2. How many people work in his team?
3. How often does he test the machines for malfunctions and inaccuracies?
4. Why do the mechanics have to wear protective equipment?
5. How many hours does Andrew Ridpath work a day and does he work at weekends?
5 points

Now answer the following questions about your own job (or about your last job if you are
not working at the moment). Answer the questions in full sentences
1. Where do you work and what is your position in the company?
2. What are your main areas of responsibility?
3. What are your working hours and do you ever work at weekends or do overtime?
4. Which aspects of your job do you enjoy?
5. Do you expect your company or your job to change in the future? (why?/why not?)

Exercise 2: Comparing Cars
The table below shows the features of three different cars: a small electric car, a car with
a hybrid engine, and a car with a petrol engine.
Write 10 sentences comparing the cars. Use the comparative and superlative forms.
Example: The petrol engine car accelerates faster than the electric car.
The electric car has the lowest carbon emissions.

Feature Small electric car Hybrid engine car Petrol engine car
Fuel consumption 12 kwh 4.5 l 6.3 l
Retail price € 22 000 € 25 000 € 35 000
Carbon emissions
mg CO2/km 0 135 147
Length 2.5 m 4.43 m 4.63 m
Horsepower 80 93 143
0–60 mph (sec) 11.4 11.8 9.5
Top speed (mph) 81 115 127

3 Exercise 3: Your opinion
1. Would you like an electric car as a company car or for your private use?
Why/Why not? (Write 5 sentences)
2. What does your company do (or: What could your company do) to reduce energy
and protect the environment? (Write 5 sentences)

4 Exercise 4: A job interview (simple past/present
Situation: You are having lunch in the company canteen with a new colleague.
Write the questions and answers in the simple past or present perfect tense, as appropriate.
Colleague A: When/join/company?
Question: When did you join the company?
Answer: I joined the company 5 years ago.
1. Colleague A: Where/do your training?
Question: …
Answer: …
2. Colleague A: Why/choose/that training?
Question: …
Answer: …
3. Colleague A: Why/decide to change your job?
Question: …
Answer: …
4. Colleague A: How long/work/here?
Question: …
Answer: …
5. Colleague A: How/your department/change/since you started working here?
Question: …
Answer: …

5 Exercise 5: Writing an Email
Answer A or B (beantworten Sie A oder B)
You are not happy about a situation at work.
Write an email to your team leader:
1. Describe the situation (give examples)
2. What would you do to change the situation/to solve the problem?
(give reasons)
Write 100–120 words
15 points

You have just completed an interesting project at work.
Write an email to a colleague.
1. Describe the project.
2. What did you learn from the project? What would you do differently next time?
(give reasons and examples)
Write 100–120 words

6 Exercise 6: A new job: A conversation in the office
It is now your first day in a new company. Your head of department, Marion Thompson,
invites you into her office.
Following the instructions in brackets, write the conversation you have – the first part
has been done for you.
Marion Thompson: (introduce yourself)
– Marion Thompson: Good morning, my name’s Marion Thompson. Nice to meet
You: (introduce yourself)
M.T.: (Offer seat + something to drink)
You: (Accept offer – glass of water)
M.T.: (Phone secretary: Anne Webster. Ask for a selection of cold drinks)
M.T.: (Ask about new employee’s journey to the company)
You: (Smooth; parking space around the corner)
M.T.: (Offer permit for the company car park)
You: (Accept offer)
M.T.: (Ask about employee’s aims in new job)
You: (more responsibility; gain experience: digitalized production techniques)
The telephone rings
M.T.: (Answer telephone)
Caller: John Spur: (Give name. Reason for call: problems with supplier: delay in delivery)
M.T.: (Offer to phone supplier immediately. Finish call)
M.T.: (Apologise for having to end meeting + wish new employee all the best)

7 Exercise 7: Logged on but can't turn off?
Read the text below about remote access to the workplace
Technology makes it easier than ever to connect people and teams in an organisation,
whether they're in the physical workplace or not.
These days, almost a third of UK workers (32%) feel that having remote access to the
workplace means they can't switch off in their personal time.
A survey which was published in June 2017 found that workers are divided on whether
remote access to the workplace is a positive or negative development. Two fifths (40%)
admit to actively checking their work mobile or mails at last five times a day outside of
working hours, which makes them feel anxious or effects their quality of sleep.
However, more than half of employees (53%) say that remote access helps them to work
flexibly and more than a third (37%) say it makes them more productive.
Claire McCartney, Associate Research Adviser at the CIPD, the professional body for
HR, said: "With the UK's decision to leave the EU, it's more important than ever that employers make use of all the talent available. However, a lack of clarity can cultivate an
environment where some employees feel unable to physically or mentally switch off."
The survey also found that private sector employees are more likely to say that they can
always switch off from work, compared to those in the public and voluntary sectors.
(Adapted from 'Logged on but can't turn off', Flight Time, July 2017)
Based on the text above, write the questions which would give you the following information
Question: How many UK workers have problems switching off in their personal
Answer: Almost a third.
1. Question: …
Answer: In June 2017.
2. Question: …
Answer: At least five times a day.
3. Question: …
Answer: They can work flexibly and some workers are more productive.
4. Question: …
Answer: Associate Research Adviser.
5. Question: …
Answer: Employees in the public and voluntary sectors.

8 Exercise 8: Your opinion
Do you check your work emails in your free time and on holiday?
Do you think this is a good idea? Why/Why not?
Do you think companies should be able to contact their employees outside working
hours? Why?/Why not?
Would you like to work from home? Why/Why not?
Write 100–120 words

9 Exercise 9: Wind turbines and renewable energy
(The Passive)
Write the sentences below in the passive
Example: In the 1st century AD a Greek engineer, Heron of Alexandria, created
the first wind wheel.
Passive: The first wind wheel was created by a Greek engineer, Heron of Alexandria, in the 1st century AD.
1. In the 9th century the Iranians used panemone windmills to grind corn and flour and
to pump water.
2. In 1888 Charles Brush created the first known US wind turbine to provide electricity
for his mansion in Ohio.
3. Since 2009 the US has offered grants to cover the cost of renewable energy projects.
4. Today renewable energies supply almost 30% of Germany's energy consumption.
5. In the UK offshore wind turbines will provide electricity for every home in 2020.

10 Exercise 10: Teamwork (‘if’ sentences)
Complete the following if-sentences about teamwork with the correct form of the verb in
1. Teamwork would be more effective in my company if the team leader ___________
(allocate) the tasks more clearly.
2. When I am head of the department, I ______________ (make) sure that each team
sends me a report on their work once a week.
3. If the teams had been better organized in my last company, we ________________
(learn) from each other's experience.
4. The working atmosphere _____________ (improve) if we had regular social events.
5. We would have finished the data sheet if the statistics _________________ (arrive)
on time
Weitere Information: 01.03.2025 - 16:52:35
  Kategorie: Technik und Informatik
Eingestellt am: 14.11.2024 von DrHengst
Letzte Aktualisierung: 16.11.2024
0 Bewertung
Bisher verkauft: 1 mal
Bisher aufgerufen: 133 mal
Prüfungs-/Lernheft-Code: PR-ENG01
Benotung: 1
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