ILS - TECE 3 / XX03 - K07 Note: 1,00

ILS - TECE 3 / XX03 - K07 Note: 1,00 Cover - ILS - TECE 3 / XX03 - K07  Note: 1,00 2.00
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Technical English - Booklet 3

Code: TECE 3 / XX03 - K07
Note: 1,00
Mit Korrektur/Kommentar: Nein

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1. Please read the following text:
This is flying. The wind presses the goggles to my face. I am strapped in a bucket seat
with nothing around me but space. I look past my feet to the brown California hills and
the bank of gray cloud covering the Pacific a thousand feet below.
Pressing lightly on the left pedal, I move the control column to the left. My left wing
drops, and the runway turns below me. I close the throttle, and the engine’s speed drops
to slow. Now I can hear the wind singing through the flying wires. I drop my nose – I
mean my feet – and point them at the head of the runway. At 20 feet I flatten out parallel
to the ground. As in a dream flight I settle slowly; the two main wheels touch the
ground, and a fraction later the nosewheel comes down.
a) Definition exercise
Match the words with the definitions. They are all from the text:1. Please read the following text:
This is flying. The wind presses the goggles to my face. I am strapped in a bucket seat
with nothing around me but space. I look past my feet to the brown California hills and
the bank of gray cloud covering the Pacific a thousand feet below.
Pressing lightly on the left pedal, I move the control column to the left. My left wing
drops, and the runway turns below me. I close the throttle, and the engine’s speed drops
to slow. Now I can hear the wind singing through the flying wires. I drop my nose – I
mean my feet – and point them at the head of the runway. At 20 feet I flatten out parallel
to the ground. As in a dream flight I settle slowly; the two main wheels touch the
ground, and a fraction later the nosewheel comes down.
a) Definition exercise
Match the words with the definitions. They are all from the text:wire wing goggles pedal throttle runway control column

a) a specially prepared surface along which aircraft land and take off

b) an accelerator for increasing or decreasing the flow of fuel to the engine

c) an instrument for changing the direction of the aircraft

d) a long thin piece of metal

e) a pair of glasses used to keep wind or water out of eyes

b) Please answer the following questions on the text in complete sentences:
a) What means of transport is the text about?
This text is about flying.
b) What are goggles used for in this type of flying?
Goggles are used to keep wind out of your eyes.
c) What happens when you close the throttle in an aircraft?
When the throttle is closed, the engine speed of the aircraft decreases.
d) Describe the process of landing in your own words (approx. 30 words).
Landing is accomplished by slowing down and descending towards the runway. This speed
reduction is accomplished by reducing thrust and/or inducing a greater amount of drag by using
flaps, landing gear or speed brakes. When you push the control column back, it will allow the
aircraft to settle onto the runway at minimum speed, landing on all wheels.
c) Text production
Which means of transport do you prefer and why? Please write about 100 words.
I prefer the train. It is much more relaxed than driving or flying. I'm always very nervous, especially
when flying, because (air) turbulence makes me feel sick. When I'm on the train, I hardly feel
anything and I can also comfortably do things like read or work on my laptop. When I'm driving, I'm
calm and don't feel anything, but at some point it's too much. After just an hour of driving, my
attention and performance decrease, so I have to take breaks to recover. That takes time. There is also
the risk of having an accident. The most unsafe means of transport is still the car.
f) a device worked by the foot

g) a surface by which an aircraft is supported in the air

b) Please answer the following questions on the text in complete sentences:
a) What means of transport is the text about?

b) What are goggles used for in this type of flying?

c) What happens when you close the throttle in an aircraft?

d) Describe the process of landing in your own words (approx. 30 words).

Which means of transport do you prefer and why? Please write about 100 words.

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms. Add prepositions where necessary.
a) The mechanic ____________ at this garage ____________ five years and he still
doesn’t like the job. (work)
b) He ____________ his apprenticeship in 1992 and ____________ as a fitter. (do,
c) Actually, I ____________ ____________ since I passed my driving test. (not drive)
d) Listen, I ____________ for my car ____________ two hours. Could you finish the
repair, please? (wait)
e) When ____________ you ____________ nervous about flying for the first time?
f) ____________ the beginning of last year I ____________ trouble with the ignition.

3. Please translate:
a) Haben Sie schon die Batterie überprüft?

b) Ich habe den Luftfilter vor zwei Monaten ausgewechselt.

c) Nachdem er die Motorhaube geöffnet hatte, schaute er sich den Kühler an.

d) Der rechte Blinker funktioniert seit zwei Tagen nicht mehr.

e) Er hat die Bremse noch nicht repariert.
Weitere Information: 01.03.2025 - 12:02:01
  Kategorie: Technik und Informatik
Eingestellt am: 28.06.2023 von DrHengst
Letzte Aktualisierung: 30.06.2023
0 Bewertung
Bisher verkauft: 19 mal
Bisher aufgerufen: 777 mal
Prüfungs-/Lernheft-Code: TECE 3 / XX03 - K07
Benotung: 1
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