PR-FAEN01 / 1217 A07 - ILS (Note 2,0 mit 88%)

PR-FAEN01 / 1217 A07 - ILS (Note 2,0 mit 88%) Cover - PR-FAEN01 /  1217 A07 -  ILS (Note 2,0  mit 88%) 7.50
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Facharbeit English // Note 2,0 mit 88%

Ich biete euch meine Facharbeit aus dem English als Hilfestellung an.

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Die Lösung dient ausschließlich als Lernhilfe oder zum Abgleich der eigenen Lösungen vor Abgabe.
Ich hoffe ich kann euch hiermit etwas weiterhelfen!
Über eine positive Bewertung würde ich mich sehr freuen. :)
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ESA_PRE_ENG01_Study.rtf ~ 178.55 KB
PR-FAEN01 Korrekturblatt_Tutor_Study.doc ~ 51.5 KB
1 Exercise 1: Job Description

Read the text below about Andrew Ridpath

Hello, my name’s Andrew Ridpath. I’m the head machinery mechanic at State-of-the-Art Sys-tems. Repair and maintenance of machinery is an essential part of any production process and here at State-of-the-Art Systems there is a team of 5 mechanics who are responsible for making sure that every machine runs safely and reliably.
As head machinery mechanic I have three main areas of responsibility. First, I supervise the repair and maintenance of our machinery. I conduct annual tests to detect malfunctions and inaccuracies in the machines. I also train and update my team on any modifications and inno-vations in the production process.
It is a very demanding job, which involves working in a hot, loud and cramped environment. Due to exposure to hazardous substances and equipment we are required to wear protective equipment, such as safety glasses, hearing protection and hard hats. I’m normally in the fac-tory from 7.30 until 4p.m from Monday to Friday with a 30 minute lunch break. The company is thinking about introducing a three-shift system, 7 days a week. This would certainly make the production process more efficient, but I would miss my free weekends
Answer the following questions in full sentences

1. Where does Andrew Ridpath work and what is his position in the company?
2. How many people work in his team?
3. How often does he test the machines for malfunctions and inaccuracies?
4. Why do the mechanics have to wear protective equipment?
5. How many hours does Andrew Ridpath work a day and does he work at weekends?


B: Now answer the following questions about your own job (or about your last job if you are not working at the moment). Answer the questions in full sentences

1. Where do you work and what is your position in the company?
2. What are your main areas of responsibility?
3. What are your working hours and do you ever work at weekends or do overtime?
4. Which aspects of your job do you enjoy?
5. Do you expect your company or your job to change in the future? (why?/why not?)

2 Exercise 2: Comparing Cars

The table below shows the features of three different cars: a small electric car, a car with a hybrid engine, and a car with a petrol engine.

Write 10 sentences comparing the cars. Use the comparative and superlative forms.

Example: The petrol engine car accelerates faster than the electric car.
The electric car has the lowest carbon emissions.

3 Exercise 3: Your opinion

1. Would you like an electric car as a company car or for your private use?
Why/Why not? (Write 5 sentences)

2. What does your company do (or: What could your company do)
to reduce energy and protect the environment? (Write 5 sentences)
Weitere Information: 03.03.2025 - 11:53:48
  Kategorie: Technik und Informatik
Eingestellt am: 21.05.2024 von Paolo03
Letzte Aktualisierung: 17.08.2024
0 Bewertung
Bisher verkauft: 1 mal
Bisher aufgerufen: 330 mal
Prüfungs-/Lernheft-Code: PR-FAEN01 / 1217 A07
Benotung: 2
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