ILS ESA EFB02N-XS2-K03 Cover - ILS ESA EFB02N-XS2-K03 2.00
2,00 €

Englisch für den Beruf 2

Benotung: 1,2 / 92,5 von 100 Punkten
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1.A new photocopier
Knott Limited needs a new photocopier for the office. Their supplier for office equipment has offered them four models that they think would be suitable. The details are shown in the list.
a)Using the table and the adjectives expensive, fast, heavy, tall and wide, write five sentences to compare the Lexpoint and the Okoh. Then do the same for the Roxy and the Uncle.10 pts
b)Charles, the Sales Director, wants a photocopier that can also be used to send faxes. The old machine was 600 mm wide; it was almost too big for the gap between two cupboards but there was no other place to put the machine. The Purchasing Department has a budget of € 2,500.Which photocopier should they order? Explain your decision in two or three complete sentences. 15 pts

2.Consumer survey
On your way to work you are stopped and asked a few questions about your daily habits. Answer each question with a different adverb or adverbial phrase of fre
quency. The first answer is given as an example. You don’t have to write about your real habits but the sentences have to make sense.
How often do you …
1)drink coffee?
I drink coffee every day.
2)watch TV?
3)go to the supermarket?
4)eat in a restaurant?
5)read a newspaper?
6)buy fresh milk?

3.Advice for an interview
A friend is looking for a new job. He has an interview next week and asks you for some advice.
a) Make adverbs from the adjectives in the table below and write these in the second part of the table.
b) Now complete the sentences below with an adverb from the table. Choose adverbs to give good advice. Use each adverb only once. You don’t need all the adverbs.

4. Directions in North Ollerton
Study the map of North Ollerton and then listen to the directions in audio D.01 to D.04. Your starting point is the railway station (see marker). Follow the instructions and write down where you have arrived. Write complete sentences.

5.Tell us about your goals
Please write a few short paragraphs about why you are studying these English booklets and what you want to achieve. Why do you want to learn English or improve your language skills? Tell us what you find most difficult about the English language or which particular skills you want to improve most. Which of the four main skills – listening, speaking, reading or writing – do you find most difficult? Which one do you find easiest? Please write in complete sentences. Write between 100 and 150 words.
Weitere Information: 03.03.2025 - 12:29:48
  Kategorie: Wirtschaft
Eingestellt am: 03.08.2021 von Naaxna
Letzte Aktualisierung: 03.08.2021
0 Bewertung
Prüfungs-/Lernheft-Code: 1218K03
Benotung: 1
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