ILS ESA EFB03N-XS2-K03 Cover - ILS ESA EFB03N-XS2-K03 2.00
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Englisch für den Beruf 3

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1.Ordinal numbers
At the end of each paragraph you can find cardinal numbers in brackets. Write the matching ordinal numbers in the gaps. Write the short and the long form as shown in the example.

Read the following mini dialogues. Which of the sentences (a or b) is correct? Tick the correct answer.
1)What are your plans for next year?
a)We’ll open a new factory in Hungary.
b)We’re going to open a new factory in Hungary.
2)What do you think about their new marketing strategy?
a)I think it’ll probably succeed.
b)I think it’s probably succeeding.
3)I’m leaving the firm on Friday.
a)Oh, what will you do?
b)Oh, what are you going to do?
4)I have been thinking about this problem for a while.
a)What will you do about it?
b)What are you going to do about it?
5)Have you heard any news of Colin?
a)Actually, he’s coming to see me tomorrow afternoon.
b)Actually, he’s going to see me tomorrow afternoon.

3.Modal verbs
Complete the sentences with a suitable modal verb. You must use a different verb for each sentence.
1)The annual report was published yesterday. The firm’s financial situation is good, but it __________ be better.
2)The offer closes at the end of the month. Orders __________ be received by 31 August to qualify for the discount.
3)I heard that you speak Spanish fluently. __________ you speak any other foreign languages?
4)Don’t you think the government __________ do more to reduce crime?
5)We thought they __________ place a larger order but they ordered only 100 box-es of TG29.
6)“__________ you mind taking this letter to the post office when you go out for lunch?” – “No, not at all. I’ll go past the post office anyway.”
Used to or would? Complete the sentences.
1)A blue plaque is a sign on buildings where famous people have lived or worked. For example, there is a blue plaque on the wall of 23 Brook Street, Mayfair, London, where guitarist Jimi Hendrix __________ live from 1968 to 1969.
2)Traditionally an energy company __________ provide a bill with a number of kilowatt-hours. But the future is going to be very different from what it is today.
3)Twenty years ago shop owners __________ collect coins from the bank every morning. Today they don’t need a lot of coins because most people pay by credit and debit card.
4)Ms Kuni __________ teach science at a secondary school in Bangladesh. Today she runs a successful business in Gandhinagar, the capital of the state of Gujarat in the western part of India.

Complete the following sentences with the correct prepositions. Be careful: there are some gaps that do not require a preposition.
1)What Precious does _____ the morning: She gets up _____ 6 and has breakfast. _____ 7.15 she leaves the house and walks to the bus station. _____ spring and summer the bus arrives _____ 7.23 but _____ September the bus timetable changes and then it arrives 10 minutes later. The timetable changes again _____ 15 March every year.
2)What Precious does _____ the weekend: _____ Saturdays she gets up _____ 8. She has a cup of tea and _____ 8.30 she goes to the newsagent and buys the weekend paper. _____ lunch-time _____ the summer she usually meets a friend. She often goes for a walk _____ the early evening. _____ Sundays she visits her Uncle Desmond. He had a stroke _____ 2015 and now lives in a care home.
3)What Precious does _____ Easter: In 2015 Precious’ sister Gloria invited her to join her family for an Easter break. Now every year Precious spends _____ Eas-ter with Gloria in Cape Town. Precious likes it when _____ Easter is _____ April because then the temperatures are very pleasant in South Africa.

Complete the sentences with the correct question tags.
1)They placed the order last week, _______________?
2)We could offer them a discount, _______________?
3)The office will be open until seven, _______________?
4)You don’t think they will cancel the contract, ______________?
5)He’s phoning them tomorrow, _______________?
6)You’re waiting for Mr Knott, _______________?

Today is Monday, 1 August, 9 a.m. Look at Precious Radebe’s diary for this week. Her working hours are from nine to five.
Dan from the IT department calls her and asks when she is available this week. He needs to install new software on her computer and afterwards show her how to use it. This will take around two hours. Precious runs through her diary entries to look for a suitable date and time. When is she available at the earliest? Precious tries to find a free two-hour slot. Write down what she says to her colleague Dan during the phone call. You can use expressions such as at 2 p.m. but don’t always use the exact time because this doesn’t sound natural. The first two sentences are given as examples. Well Dan, I don’t think I can fit you in today. In thirty minutes Mr Dougal will be here for a one-hour meeting. After that….Continue with the rest of Monday and the rest of the week.

8.Write a memo
You have heard from some customers that two of your sales staff aren’t always properly dressed. Your firm has a dress code and this is included in the firm’s handbook, which all employees receive on their first day. The dress code tells employees which kind of clothes they can and cannot wear at work. Write a memo to the sales staff and tell them about the complaints. Tell them where they can find the dress code and that they have to follow it. Make sure that your memo is polite and not accusing. Your sales assistants are important for the firm’s success and the two employees who are not always properly dressed are generating very good sales results. Write the full memo. You have to include all the necessary information in your memo. Choose your own names, dates, etc. and include any other information you think is relevant. Remember what you have learnt about planning your writing. Start with a draft, but send in only the final version of your memo.
Weitere Information: 03.03.2025 - 17:17:45
  Kategorie: Wirtschaft
Eingestellt am: 03.08.2021 von Naaxna
Letzte Aktualisierung: 03.08.2021
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Prüfungs-/Lernheft-Code: 0519K03
Benotung: 1
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