ILS ESA EFB04N-XS2-K03 Cover - ILS ESA EFB04N-XS2-K03 3.00
3,00 €

Englisch für den Beruf 4

Benotung: 1,2 / 92 von 100 Punkten
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Einsendeaufgabe wurde im Juni 2021 erstellt und korrigiert.

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Aufgabe_EFB04N.docx ~ 136.22 KB
1. Assignment:
Complete the dialogue between Charles (C) and Precious (P) with a suitable verb from the list below. Choose the -ing form or to + infinitive. You don’t need all the verbs given.

2. Assignment:
Complete the dialogue between the customer (C) and the supplier (S) by putting in any or some.

3. Assignment:
Match the sentences on the left with a situation or answer from the right. Each clause can only be used once. The first one has been done for you as an example.

4. Assignment:
Last summer you visited your firm’s subsidiary in Britain for a few days. You participated in a training course with five other members of staff from around the world. Your firm’s office is in Staffordshire. You stayed until Sunday because your hosts had organised a trip to Stoke-on-Trent for your group, with two nights at a local hotel. Pedro, a colleague from your firm’s office in Barcelona, is planning a trip to Britain this year. He heard about your visit and has sent you an email to find out what you did when you were there. He wants to know if it’s worth staying over the weekend.
You can’t remember exactly what you did, but you still have the information they sent you in advance. Write an email to Pedro and tell him what you did at that weekend. Decide if you want to recommend staying over the weekend or not and let him know. Remember to write in full sentences. Use the right words to make it clear in which order things happened. How did your days start and what did you do next? The first sentences are given.

5. Assignment:
Complete each sentence with a coordinating conjunction. Insert a comma as well if necessary.
Weitere Information: 04.03.2025 - 13:26:35
  Kategorie: Wirtschaft
Eingestellt am: 03.08.2021 von Naaxna
Letzte Aktualisierung: 09.09.2022
0 Bewertung
Prüfungs-/Lernheft-Code: 0120K04
Benotung: 1
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