ILS ESA EFB05N-XS1-K03 Cover - ILS ESA EFB05N-XS1-K03 3.00
3,00 €

Englisch für den Beruf 5

Benotung: 1,2 / 89,5 von 100 Punkten
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Einsendeaufgabe wurde im Juni 2021 erstellt und korrigiert.

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Aufgabe_EFB05N.docx ~ 192.11 KB
1. Assignment:
Match one word from the left and the right column to build eight meaningful word partnerships. Each word can only be used once.

2. Assignment:
Below is an excerpt from a meeting. Complete the following dialogue with suitable phrases.

3. Assignment:
Complete the dialogue between the customer and the supplier. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

4. Assignment:
a) Select the correct words to complete the sentences.
b) Some of the sentences below contain mistakes. Write the correct sentences.
c) Complete the sentences below in the most likely way using the words in brackets.

5. Assignment:
You’re talking to a colleague. Use your thoughts to complete the sentences you say. Put the verb in brackets into the present simple, past simple, will + infinitive, or would + infinitive.

6. Assignment:
Which opinion do you agree with? Which opinion is closest to your own? State your own opinion and give reasons. In addition, write one or two sentences about the other two opinions and why you disagree with them.
Write a minimum of 80 words but no more than 120 words.
Weitere Information: 04.03.2025 - 13:26:39
  Kategorie: Wirtschaft
Eingestellt am: 03.08.2021 von Naaxna
Letzte Aktualisierung: 29.11.2021
0 Bewertung
Prüfungs-/Lernheft-Code: 1119K03
Benotung: 1
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